Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving break

I don't think I did too bad over the holiday weekend. I definitely could have ate more vegetables, but I didn't stuff myself silly like I normally do. Now, don't get me wrong I still had pie, but only piece and only one serving of everything else. I could have been better, but could have been worse! One thing I am disappointed about is my exercise. I just didn't do it. I should have taken the "kids" for a walk every day, but I did not. Oh well.

Tonight, I am heading to Gameworks to meet a friend. Hopefully, I won't drink too much!

Hope you had a good holiday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 20

What an interesting and confusing evening. It was very very nice, but I just feel weird now. Don't get me wrong! I am very happy about this evening. Just very confused! :)

Believe it or not, I actually was very good today. For breakfast, I had a bagel with peanut butter and turkey bacon. For a snack, I had grapes. Lunch was a Wendy's Oriental Salad and dinner was Chicken with Broccoli, which there was tons of leftover. It was taken home for later. :) Unfortunately, I also had three Coors Light, but it all evens out!

Tomorrow, I have been roped into going to Brazenhead with a friend. Anyone who wants to come is welcome! We will be there right after work. Hopefully, I will have time for the gym.

Well, have a good day and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Post for Claire

OK. I know I have been slacking in the posting. I do have some good news though. I started the gym. I have done weights, the treadmill, and even tried a belly dancing close (Oh my goodness is all I have to say about that!). Getting on the scale at the gym was a scary process. I promise that the number was shockingly high. I don't think I have EVER seen that number on the scale before. :(

Anyway, other parts of my life are going pretty well at the moment. I am meeting new people and enjoying myself. I am also getting involved in the Project Mentor program in the Columbus public school system. It should be pretty interesting and definitely an eye opener. I hope that I can have a positive influence on some child's life. You start with an eighth grader and follow them through graduation in 2012. I am really excited about it!

I will try to update more often. I have some very exciting plans for tomorrow evening so I won't be posting tomorrow (or maybe I will if it is a good evening!). And Wednesday I have plans as well. Then I head to Mom's for Thanksgiving, and she does not have the internet. Anyway, I will at least post when I return.

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!!