Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well, this turned out to be a busy weekend! I ended up volunteering at a Cause for Paws adoption event at PetSmart Sawmill (where my kitties are currently housed!) and then going on an adopton visit for little Apollo. He is now in a great home with some very wonderful people. They are so excited to have him. As soon as I walked in the door, the little boy took Apollo and that was the last I saw him. I have the feeling that he is going to be the little boy's cat. :)

Then that night, I went to COSI with Quinton and another couple. It was great fun. I loved it and it is nice to see friends! Then today, I spent the day with my little sister from Big Brothers Big Sisters. We played the Wii, made lunch, and watched a Harry Potter movie. We also took my pups for a walk and feed the geese across the way. We had lots of fun, and it is always hard to return her home, especially because she loves the dogs!

As for the eating, it wasn't all the great this weekend. It could have been worse and it could have been better. I definitely did not drink enough water though. That is definitely something I need to work on. I guess Tuesday will tell how well I have done. I hope I lose a little. I know that this is going to be a long journey, but I need to do it for my health.

Well, that is all for now. It is time to tackle Baxter and give him his meds.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Well, I did it. I went back to weight watchers on Tuesday night. I voted in the morning, so no worries! :)

I am the heaviest now that I have EVER been. I am completely and utterly humiliated. I have NEVER seen this number before and didn't think I would. Let's just say that I am not that far from reaching that 300 mark.

So far it is going good. Today was a tough day. I am definitely an emotional eater and today was very emotional. I had to take Baxter to the vet this morning. Last night, he urinated in front of me and it contained blood. Luckily, it was not a blockage which was what the vet originally suspected. He is on special food for 4 - 6 weeks, has to take antibiotics for two weeks and prednisone for 6 days. Any tips on pilling a cat? This is going to be fun, considering I can't use any type of food!

Claire, I think that you have a great idea. I would love to be a support group for each other. I am already on SparkPeople so just have to find you. :) I would love to have someone to kick my butt when I need it. That is part of the reason I went back to WW. I need the accountability.