Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 30

Just a quick note to say, I am officially down another pound! Woohoo!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

January 22, 2008

Well, today I had my first official Biggest Loser weigh-in. I lost 4 pounds from last week. I do not know HOW I did this though because my eating has been awful! I am thinking about posting how many calories I eat daily in order to keep myself accountable. My daily calorie range is 1570 - 1920. If I go over, please ask me why! It is OK to be under just as long as it is not below 1,200 calories. I will start with today. Today I ate 1,472 calories. That isn't bad at all. Of course I was kind of sick so I didn't feel like eating so that helps!

Anyway, I will post again tomorrow with my Weigh-down contest results. If I see a loss of 4 pounds again, I know it is true! I am also attending the health fair at work so I get to see what my cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose are running. I hope it isn't bad. These are the things I need change my lifestyle to control.

Have a good day! :)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

January 17

Sorry I didn't post yesterday like I said I would. It was the first official gathering of the Ladies Activity Club, and Claire threw a VERY good wine tasting! I want the recipe for her bruschetta! Of course, I did over eat and over indulge, but it was extremely fun. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again. :)

Now, for the big weigh-in! I lost 6 pounds in one week. Yes, you read that correct, 6!!! I weighed myself twice just to make sure! I am extremely excited about it!

I need to get back control of my eating and exercise. I have kind of put it to the side and have lost control. It is too easy for me to get distracted and eat badly and make excuses to miss exercise. The lack of sun has been a huge downer for me. I need to make a point to get outside more during the day. I think it will help me a lot with motivation!

Well, that is all for this weigh-in. I am sure that I will be writing more soon. :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 13, 2008

Well, it seems like there is a lot going on in my life right now. I need to get closure in one arena in order to move ahead with another. I just wish that it was all final. Oh well. That is all that I am going to say about my life that is non-weight loss related. I really need to keep my focus on weight loss. :)

I have two new incentives to lose this weight. 1. (or 3. if you are counting.) I signed up for a weight loss challenge at work. You pay $20 with half going to Operation Feed and the other half going into a winners pot. At the end of 10 weeks, those who meet their goals will split the balance in the pot. My official goal is to lose 10 pounds. I signed up on Wednesday so my first weigh-in for a loss will be this week. I hope it is good!

2. I signed up for the Biggest Loser challenge in my department. Our initial weigh-in is this Tuesday. We are going to continue it through the Biggest Loser finale on NBC. My goal for this is to lose 20 pounds in 9 weeks! Therefore, I need to get busy! The consequence of not being the top loser each week is walking a flight of stairs for each person who is ahead of you or paying $1 per flight you chose not to walk. There is the possibility of having to walk a lot of stairs!

By the way, if you don't already I recommend watching the Biggest Loser. It has to be one of the most inspiring shows on TV. Also, Lifetime has an awesome new show called "How to Look Good Naked". I absolutely love this show! It takes women of all sizes and helps them appreciate their body in its current state.

FYI, I added a weight loss tracker to the bottom of this page. Initially, it is tracking my first 20 pounds.

Well, that is all for now. I will update you on Wednesday with my weight loss for this week.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 8

Yesterday I did not do well with the eating. That is OK though. It is just one day. I need to be better prepared and ready for anything. I need to start planning my meals and taking food for lunch, breakfast, and snacks. Today I have done really well with the eating. One thing I noticed is that I cannot eat sugar. Once I do, it is all down hill for me. I had a Cow Tale that one of my co-workers left in my desk. Then all I could do is think of chocolate. I ended up eating 10 Mint Truffles Hershey Kisses. I reached for more, but stopped myself. I promptly threw out the rest of the bag. That was a HUGE step for me! I then had a healthy dinner this evening and am well within my calories. It actually wasn't too bad. I just need to keep this up and also add consistent exercise!

I know I can do this!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Return from the holidays

I decided it is time to update this blog! A lot has happened over the last couple of months, but I will just focus on the weight loss efforts.

I managed to lose 13.8 pounds from my highest weight before Christmas. However, I have gained back 4 of those pounds (as of Saturday morning). That is OK though. I am alright with that. I did not exercise or eat the way I should have over the holidays. It is time to detox and get back on the wagon now!

I have two new weight loss incentives. 1. When my workout buddy and I both get below a certain weight, I am getting my second tattoo, and she is getting hers extended. 2. An important person in my life plans to lose 25 lbs in the next 15 weeks. I absolutely most weigh less than he does! Maybe it is a shallow goal, but it works for me. :)

This past Saturday, I took a kick boxing class. I LOVED it! It was really really really tough, but I hung in there. I plan on attending it twice a week now. On the other days, I will do 30 minutes of cardio and weight lift. Sunday will be my rest day.

Well, it is time for bed now. I will be better about updating this. I have lots of incentives to keep on track...