Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First two days

Yesterday was my first day of my lifestyle change. I ate 1,800 calories and actually found it pretty easy to stay on track. I ate very healthy as well, which I am quite proud of!

Today, on the other hand, was a different story. We had a breakfast at work to celebrate raising funds for a big charity event in Central Ohio. I filled half of my plate up with fruit then had a scoop of hashbrowns, a scoop of breakfast casserole, and two slices of bacon. Then, our floor won second place (WOOHOO!!!), resulting in two trays of cookies to take back to our floor. These were the BEST cookies I have ever tasted. That is no lie. The M&M cookie was sooo moist it was falling apart. The chocolate chunk was almost as good. So, I ate two of these wonderfully delicious cookies. I want more just thinking about it!

For lunch, I had plans to go out with a friend. I was pretty decent. I chose a trip to the soup and salad bar. I got a bowl of tortilla soup and lots of veggies with 1/8 c. blue cheese with balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing. I stayed away from the heavy dressings, croutons, ham, and mayo laden salads. I was pretty proud of myself!

For dinner, I had Ginger mahi-mahi, a banana, and some grape tomatoes. I am still a little hungry, but trying to drink water because I am really thirsty. It is after 7:00 and I know I can do it!

I plan on taking the dogs for a walk around 8:15. I am waiting for it to cool down a lot outside.

Have a good night!

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