Sunday, September 16, 2007


Now my back is definitely more manageable. It is feeling better every day. Unfortunately, I used my back as an excuse to eat with no abandon. Today was the first day since last Sunday that I have watched what I am eating. Although I have done some form of walking since last Wednesday, I have been eating a bunch of junk. I really do not know why I keep eating the way I do. It is like I am punishing myself for all of my faults. I also use food as a comfort. Obviously, I have issues...

This morning, I met a really great group of women to walk at the Hoover Dam. It was actually a lot of fun! Before I knew, we had walked two miles and were making plans to get together again. One of them is taking tennis lessons and wants everyone to give it a try. I may have to pick up a racket. Hopefully my tennis skills are better than my badmitton ones!

Well, that is about it for my rantings for today. I will report my progress on the scale tomorrow. I fully expect to have a big gain, but that is my own fault. C'est La Vie!

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